Personalized Learning Experiences

In the Era of continues learning every professional has to be continually adapted to evolving knowledge landscape in various professional environments they are currently there are many e learning platforms providing users with lots of eLearningenriched contents in their Mobile devices and PC  but are those platforms considering

The Learner adeptness and aptitude

The learner’s ability

The Learners Routine and Availability

“ Personalization in each and every individuals learning experiences is the way to address effecting e learning experience for the learner “


The e learning platform should have Personalized feedback logged to enhance and improve  the learning experience via AI Click tracking systems Instead of a “one content and delivery style fits all” approach, personalized eLearning uses various approaches to engage the learner more meaningfully, and helps them set and achieve their specific learning goals via understanding their learning style , phase and adaptability and providing an individual learning style

Personalized Learning experience also enables learners to have their learning pathways and achieveunerringly what the learner anticipates via the course

Personalized learning makes learning as a scale and the evolution of Big data AI Systems has enabled the possibilities Carnegie Mellon University has created and is testing out a system called iTalk2Learn for learners which teaches basic fractions. The system uses personalized information about each student, which includes mathematical knowledge of the student, cognitive patterns of the learner and even emotional states to design unique learning experiences.

The future of learning also will be influenced by having AI and AI-enabled learning solutions go higher up in the learning —into the domain where learning content is created. These apparatuses can interpret the vast amount of seemingly incongruent resources, such as videos, audio files, and images, and intelligently weave them into seamless learning content. And they can do it quicker—much quicker than any human instructor can providing individual course content based on the user data the system has

Steaphen Antony Venansious

Steaphen Antony is a Serial Technology entrepreneur He is also the Tech Co-Founder of  A Passionate developer of  AI Cognitive systems .. He has implemented Many Machine learning systems in Web cloud and Mobile systems also have developed many Popular Mobile games and Augmented reality systems  , He is currently an End to End Solution developer for Ecommerce, Fintech and E Learning Platforms he has already many Industry Top Platforms under his Protofolio.